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Free Stock Photos from Yulianta Ramelan (Yulianta)
7 photos
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Ancient houses of Tribe Batak
Green landscape in a foggy peak
A bright blue sky over the peak
Earthquake effect
Boats on Lake Toba
Foggy tea garden
Sipiso - piso waterfall.
A Temple at Tanah Lot Bali
Green landscape in a foggy peak
Beach chair
Purple orchid
Fresh, green, tea garden
An ancient house of Tribe Batak
Tea garden valley
Water Tank Tower
A Temple at Tanah Lot Bali
A bright blue sky
Relaxing place
Tea walk path
Mountain s peak from the sky
Redish green garden
Military Weapon (Cannon)
A bright blue sky over the peak
Tea garden
A fresh morning at tea garden
Sunset at Lake Toba
Wet, green, shady palm road
Gum of rubber tree
While tiger - panthera tigris
Red gerbera
Green snake
Red eared turtles
Military Weapon (Cannon)
Black goose - cygnus atramus
Black goose - cygnus atramus
Profile for Yulianta