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Free Stock Photos from Norman Bateman (Ncbateman1)
211 photos
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Backhoe at rest during lunch
A Roseate Spoonbill in flight
A small warbler perched in a bush
Two little red tractors for sale
Chuck-will s-widow perched
African big game cartridges
A good day for a boat ride
The bottom of an F/A-18
Whooping Cranes doing the mating dance
Reddish Egret
An Osprey in a tree eating a fish
Roseate Spoonbills preening
Black Skimmer skimming the surf
Long-billed Thrasher perched
Blue Grosbeak feeding
Yellow-crowned Night Heron eating seaweed
Great Egret flying across the road
A model P-51D does a flyby
Horse grazing in a pasture
A model stunt plane spinning
Texas Longhorn cow grazing
Black Skimmer fishing the surf line
Female Painted Bunting feeding
Oystercatcher teaching her chick
The Moon
An Eastern Meadowlark perched
Osprey about to take flight
A tarpon hooked up and fighting
Indigo Bunting perched in a tree
A small asphalt roller
Osprey with a fish for his mate
A small bulldozer at rest
Black-bellied Plover
A small bulldozer at a job site
Marbled Godwit walks the beach
A model hydroplane runs fast
Burrowing Owl Perched
A Mute Swan rests in the grass
A Nutria feeding on plants
A Cattle Egret perched in a tree
Roseate Spoonbill in flight
An Antelope grazes in a field
A flat tire awaits the operator
Harris's Hawk perched
Brown Pelicans in flight
Reddish Egret fishing
Burrowing Owl hunting
Anhinga preening on a post
Union cannons massed here
A female Pyrrholoxia eating
A front-end loader at work
Gray Squirrel playing
Loading up a dump truck
A pair of Osprey copulating
Young sparrow perched on a fence
Gray Squirrel foraging
The rolling end of a front-end loader
A Reddish Egret fishing for a meal
A model helicopter in flight
A Killdeer in a flooded field
Wood Stork fishing for a meal
A model boat running fast
American Bison grazing
Burrowing Owl watching
Meerkat outside the burrow
Antelope grazing in the field
Burrowing Owl watching
Green Iguana sunning in the tree
Cardinal perched on a feeder
White Ibis feeding in the surf
The SW conner of Andersonville
The S E corner of Andersonville
Antelopes grazing in a field
Bronzed Cowbird feeding
Green Iguana warming up
Lazuli Bunting perched in a tree
Chipping Sparrow feeding
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