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Free Stock Photos from Leonid Sadofev (Leosad)
264 photos
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Strawberry and cream
Missing piece of the puzzle
Glass cup of tea and a tea bag
Fresh peaches
Your turn. Girl inviting to play chess
Burger and glass of beer
Life as a puzzle
Mother and daughter cooking together
Light and dark (beermania)
Golden beer
Mother and daughter
Light and dark (beermania)
Two glasses and a bottle of wine
Rock n Roll girl with tattoo
Fresh honey
Strawberry and sugar
Two glasses of red and white wine
Natural medicine
Life as a puzzle
Microprocessor on girls fingertip
Missing piece of the puzzle
Strawberry and the glass of water
Plant and microchip. Nanotechnology, microelectronics,ecology conception
To hit the target
Life as a puzzle
Natural medicine conception
Plant and microchip. Nanotechnology, microelectronics,ecology conception
Microelectronics concept
Learning to play guitar
Light and dark
Fresh strawberry
Reading a book
Cold tasty beer
Yong chef with healthy food
Grapes and glass of wine
Light and dark
Grapes and glass of wine
Last battle
Girl playing with bubbles
Girl playing with bubbles
Light and dark
Bowl of fresh strawberry
Looking out
Giving the strawberry
Water drops
Looking out
Last battle
Office pins
Office pins
Fresh strawberry
Desire for coffee
Stairway to success
Bottle and glasses of wine
Bottle and glasses of wine
Strawberry and cream
Glass cup of tea with lemon
Fresh peaches
With money we will win
Painting the apple
Desire for coffee
Out to light
Taking a peach
Domino effect
Life as a puzzle
Colored pencils
Life as a puzzle
A glass of red wine
Protecting the plant
With money we will win
Fresh peaches
Yong chef with healthy food
Colored pencils
The stimulus for step
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Profile for Leosad