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Free Stock Photos from Elisheva Monasevich (Liza1979)
167 photos
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Flowers in womans hands
Antique mosaic
Close up of cauliflower and broccoli
Baby carrots
Tomato branch
Close up of strawberry
Traditional russian rural wooden house
Clementine tree branch
Close up of clementine
Sea level in desert in Israel
Child hand make a building of colored blocks
Child hands playing with colored blocks collage
Close up of hanukkah dreidels
Baked potato
Colorful marshmallow
White river cruise boat
Delicious slices of orange coated chocolate
Excavator bulldozer
Clothes shop
Three biscuits
Clothes shop
Mandarin segments
Close up of sudoku game and yellow pencil
Tea party
Close up of peppers on market stand
Old mailbox
Boats at lake
Child hands apply glue on a paper
Slices of white meat
Fragment of antique mosaic
Close up of corn
Grey kangaroo
Cloister in Russia
Sleeping bubo bubo
Close up of tomatoes
Empty highway
Close up of punpkin seeds
Close up of vegetables
Pavement tiles
Antique mosaic
Asian elephant
Kremlin tower
Close up of cookies
Antique mosaic
Antique mosaic
Railway bridge
Close up of garlic
Stack of pancakes
Hill on a river bank
Cutting a walnuts
Buns filled with cheese
White and sweet potatoes
Tower of Kazan Kremlin
Close up of fennel
Close up of peanuts
Close up of raisins
Old wooden church
Wooden draw well
Close up of cookies
Hills on a river bank
Close up of almonds
Cathedral in Russia
Close up of mushrooms
Cranes and sand hills
Eurasian eagle-owl
Many colorful boats
Old wooden church
Kebab on cinnamon sticks
Nuts on market stand
Nuts on market stand
Close up of potatoes
Building under construction
Close up of dried fruits
Taking out an apple core
Fresh vegetable salad
Rolls on market stand
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