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Free Stock Photos from Sergey Ponomarev (Sergio_p)
78 photos
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Ice field near Elbrus
Kluchevskaya sopka.
Cathedral of Christ the Savior
Tent on the shore of the lake.
Petroglyph s
Сhiming clock
Hundred dollar
View of plateau Dachstein-Krippenstein.
Row of large copper urns
Zebra lionfish
Laboratory glasswares
Alpinist on glacier.
Jokulsarlon lake
On the roof
Dead sea. Salt.
Winter landscape in Finland
Caver in Dachstein Mammut Cave.
Winter landscape
Mountain plateau Dachstein-Krippenstein
Land of Promise
The Roman ruins
Alpinist in fog (Transbaikal mountains)
Kamen mountain
Mountain lake
Dead sea
The Roman ruins
The Roman ruins
Alpinist and mountain.
Kamen mountain
Silhouette of the tree
Tent in mountains
Yerebatan Sarayi
Alpinist on glacier.
Al-Karak castle
Mountain and clouds
Vadi Rum desert.
Lichens in mountains
Lichens in mountains
Transbaikal mountains
Caucasus mountains
Sunrise in the mountains
Silhouette in mountains
Caucasus mountains
Kamchatka. Volcano.
Caucasus mountains
Caucasus mountains
Transbaikal mountains
Caucasus mountains
The Cathedral of Christ the Savior
Transbaikal mountains
Transbaikal mountains
Transbaikal mountains
Transbaikal mountains
View of boreal coniferous forest
Mutnovskaya volcano. Kamchatka.
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Profile for Sergio_p